
The commercial games and resources highlighted on this website have all been used in a number of elementary school classrooms. These are articles that outline what I found in the research . These articles offer rationale for the use of games and recommendations for how to implement board games as a tool for learning.

Looking for more research on board games in math class? Here are additional resources!

There is even more research however, these articles require subscriptions to access:

  • McFeetors, P. J., & Mason, R. T. (2009). Learning deductive reasoning with games of logic. Mathematics Teacher, 103(4), 284-290.
  • McFeetors, P. J., & Palfy, K. (2017). We’re in math class playing games, not playing games in math class. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 22(9), 534-544.
  • McFeetors, P. J., & Palfy, K. (2018). Educative experiences in a games context: Supporting emerging reasoning in elementary school mathematics. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 50, 103-125.
  • McFeetors, P. J., & MacDonald, B. (2020). Learning geometry through commercial games. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 25(3), 34-40.
  • McFeetors, P. J., Jin, Q., & Ahmed, N. (2023). Spatial and logical reasoning in game play: The case of Santorini. Ontario Mathematics Gazette, 62(2), 28-34.