Gobblet Gobblers

Gobblet Gobblers is a quick strategic game, easy to learn, and plenty of fun. This game is like the classic Tic-Tac-Toe where you must be the first player to get three pieces in a row to win, but there is a twist – you can gobble up your opponent’s pieces! The game includes 12 Wooden Gobbler pieces. Each player will receive six pieces, with two of each size– small, medium, and large. A larger sized gobbler piece can cover (gobble) a smaller piece. This adds new levels of strategies to a classic game! Gobblet Gobblers challenges student’s problem solving, memory, and spatial recognition skills.

How to Play

The game board of Gobblet Gobblers is first set up as a 3×3 wooden grid. Each player has six wooden gobbler pieces of the same colour (either orange or blue), with two of each size– small, medium, and large.

Players take turns placing their gobbler pieces in the grid, and aim to get three pieces in a row to win the game. Three pieces in a row can include diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. However, once a player puts down their gobbler, another gobbler can be placed over top of it. Players can move a piece that they have already placed on the board. But players must be aware if they move a larger gobblet piece, it may reveal a smaller gobblet piece that may help their opponent. So players must use their memory to remember previous game play!

Teaching Resources

Below are resources for you to adapt for your classes. Each lesson plan highlights mathematical processes to focus on, questions for reflection and a worksheet for the students to complete following their game. Holding space for class discussions is encouraged and when possible, include pictures from your students’ game boards to prompt discussion in the class.

Mathematical Processes

Communication [C]: Gobblet Gobblers allows students to communicate their number sense in mathematical language. If the game is played in pairs, students must explain, clarify, and reinforce ideas to their teammate. They must also communicate the connections they create between the concrete materials (game pieces) and their mental representations of mathematical ideas, such as where to play next and why.

Connections [CN] : Gobblet Gobblers is based on the classic tic-tac-toe game, which many students have played. This allows students to make utilize their learned strategies, and apply them to novel situations. Students will also make connections with mathematical ideas and concepts learned in class, such as number sense, pattern recognition, and spatial sense. Students also start to develop connections of subitizing numbers while playing the game.

Mental Mathematics and Estimation [ME] : Gobblet Gobblers enables students to enhance their memory skills. During the game players need to keep track of which pieces are underneath the pieces on the board in order to avoid uncovering unwanted pieces. Essentially, they must make a mental estimation before every move.

Problem Solving [PS] : Players can build off their experience of playing the classic tic-tac-toe game, and apply it in Gobblet Gobblers. They can use this previous knowledge to build new problem solving strategies, in this new variation. Through game play experience, students build upon their knowledge of game play, and create new problem solving strategies to aid them in the future.

Reasoning [R] : Gobblet Gobblers prompts students to use logical thinking, to decide where to move. Before a student moves, they must reason with themselves why that is the best move. This means analyzing the problem and justifying their conclusion to themselves.

Technology [T] : The online games that resemble Gobblet Gobblers are a great resources for students. The games simulate situations and problems the students may not have encountered before. These games also challenge students with more advanced game play variations.

Visualization [V] : Gobblet Gobblers allows early number sense development and the ability for students to visualize and subitize patterns that develop throughout game play. Students will most certainly learn how to subitize the number pattern of three, horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. Students must use their memory to visualize previous game play to ensure they make a smart move.

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