Aqualin is a two person strategy game where players place tiles on a 6×6 grid to build a coral reef and score points. One player is trying to group tiles of the same colour while the other is trying to group colours to make schools. The players can place new tiles and slide existing tiles until the board is full. It’s easy to learn and challenging to master making this strategy game ideal for the classroom!
How to Play

36 tiles
Grid board 6×6
Setting up:
To start the game, decide who will be scoring with symbols (all sea creatures), who will be scoring with colours, and who will go first. Place all the tiles face down on the table next to the board and mix them up. Flip over six tiles that both players can access.
Each turn consists of three actions:
- Move a placed tile (optional)
- Tiles may be moved up/down, left/right any number of spaces. Tiles may not be moved diagonally and can not move over a tile.
- Place a tile
- Tiles may be placed anywhere on the board.
- Flip over a new tile
- There should always be 6 tiles in the “pool” at the start of the next turn.
Players take turns going through the three actions trying to group either colours or symbols, until all the tiles are on the board.
Each player will count how many same colour or same creature tiles in a grouping or a “school”. Tiles are in a school if they have a side in contact with another tile of the same colour/symbol. Diagonally connected tiles do not count.
The scoring is as follows:
- 2 of a kind= 1 point
- 3 of a kind= 3 points
- 4 of a kind= 6 points
- 5 of a kind= 10 points
- 6 of a kind= 15 points
The player with the most points wins the game.
Teacher Resources
Below are resources for you to adapt for your classes. Each lesson plan highlights mathematical processes to focus on, questions for reflection and a worksheet for the students to complete following their game. Holding space for class discussions is encouraged and when possible, include pictures from your students’ game boards to prompt discussion in the class.
Mathematical Connections
Coming Soon