SET® is a visual perception card game that is easy to learn and quick to play. Players must make as many sets of three cards based on attributes being the same or different. SET® can be played with one or more players and there is an online version available. SET® can improve students’ abilities to sort objects by their attributes as well as improve their visual perception.
How to Play
81 cards
Setting up:
Place 12 cards face up in a rectangle so that all players can see the cards. Place the remaining cards off to the side.
Everyone plays simultaneously during SET®. When a player identifies a set, they say “set”, collect the three cards, and the other players verify that it is a set.
- If the set is confirmed, the player keeps the cards as points and the open spaces are filled with three new cards from the deck.
- If the player was incorrect or does not pick up the set within a few seconds that player loses a point and the cards are returned to the table.
- If no players are able to identify a set within the twelve cards on the table they can pull an additional three cards from the deck to be placed on the table.
Making a set:
To make a set, players must identify three cards where each individual attribute are either all the same or all different on each card. The four attributes that set the cards apart in this game are:
- Shape (Diamond, Oval, Squiggle)
- Colour (Green, Purple, Red)
- Number (1, 2, 3)
- Shading (Empty, Striped, Filled)
Here is an example. The three cards highlighted make a set:

Shape | 1 oval 1 diamond 1 squiggle | All different |
Colour | 1 purple 1 green 1 red | All different |
Number | All three show 1 shape | All the same |
Shading | All three solid | All the same |
Players count the number of sets they have collected during the game. Each set counts as a point and the player with the most points wins.
Teaching Resources
Below are resources for you to adapt for your classes. Consider how you can leverage the thinking that the students are doing during the game for classroom discussions.
SET® has an online game with a new puzzle each day which may be used as part of the daily routine.
Mathematical Processes
Communication [C] : In order to score a point, students must be able to communicate why the three cards that they identified form a set.
Connections [CN] : Playing SET®, the students practice noticing similarities and differences in attributes on the cards. This skill is important when learning geometry as students practice recognizing attributes that allow them to sort shapes and forms.
Problem Solving [PS]: At times it can be difficult to spot a set on the board, however it is uncommon that there are no sets available. Through playing, the students can begin to develop strategies for finding sets that are systematic.
Reasoning [R] : A set is only confirmed once the rest of the players agree it is valid. The student making the set has an opportunity to practice systematically reviewing the different attributes and justifying their choice. Their opponents also have an opportunity to challenge the set with reasoning.
© 1988, 1991 Cannei, LLC. All rights reserved. SET® and all associated logos and taglines are registered trademarks of Cannei, LLC. Used with permission from Set Enterprises, Inc.